Living Lambda

As members of Lambda Theta Nu our letters and our colors unite us, but it is our unique culture and the commitment to our unfading mission that truly defines Living Lambda. We are an ever-growing organization of individually strong and talented Lambdas, but recognize we are most impactful as a community of leaders.

Our organization fosters a genuine spirit of fraternization, transforming our sisterhood into a powerful and indomitable network of extended resources for our members and their communities. By Living Lambda we honor our Latinx roots, we are open, we embrace women of diverse backgrounds, and we lend our collective voice to advocate the equality and advancement of all minority groups.

Once a Lambda, Always a Lambda

Lambda Culture
  • Since our inception, cultural awareness has been one of our primary principles.
  • We are involved in an array of culturally connected events nationwide.
  • Stepping and strolling are core to our culture & part of our heritage.
  • We were first introduced to stepping by Delta Sigma Theta in 1987.
  • In 1989 we were the first to include machetes into our stepping dance.
  • Our machetes are a symbol of strength, culture and empowerment.
  • Strolling, also called party walking, is performed in unison to rhythmic beats.
  • Our award-winning National Stroll Team competes against the best nationwide.
What our members have to say ...

I would have never imagined myself to be where I am at now with my leadership and I owe it all to Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc., for inspiring to be better than I ever was.

- Julia Miranda, Beta Chapter Phi Class

Living Lambda is when a sister embodies the ideals of Lambda Theta Nu, representing herself and our organization to the highest of standards. When we Live Lambda we are the best versions of ourselves.

- Gina Geck, Alpha Chapter Eta Class - Fall 1992

Being in Lambda Theta Nu has shaped my development as a professional and has allowed me to pass on that development to younger members - it’s a sisterhood that never stops growing.

- Deanna Douglas, Alpha Chapter
Join something that matters
3.26 GPA AY 23-24
1,144 LYLC Attendees
45 Chapters
$7,789 Raised in AY 23 - 24